Monday, March 13, 2006

Milwaukee's Art Museum at Night

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had another thought since I wrote earlier (I couldn’t sleep, so got up really early today). I like all your photos – but the ones that stand out as being a little bit unique are what sets you apart (as it does any artist) from the herd. Examples – the cropping of the first photo “Horse Ranch,” Leroy B. with his tongue out!, the clarity of the duck with reflection (it looks like a painting), fishing (at sunrise), unique shot of “Looking Out,” midair action shot (Over He Goes) - and in all the action shots, the subjects are centered!!, that squirrel is priceless, 2 roses (the diff. colors), Veterans Day (one rifle is down), red rose (unique with the snow), Empire State Bldg. with flags in the photo!, white flower with one petal curled down, the unique angles at Yellowstone & Mt. Rushmore (that goat! is wonderful), - well, I could go on & on about all the wonderful flower, nature & air show shots – the Calatrava. I LOVE the covered bridge with snow – that’s the kind of picture I would buy (as in pay MONEY$$$ for).

Kay R